
Monday, 23 December 2013

She Post Nude For Xmas

Crazy Maheeda Celebrates Christmas With Her Bare B00bs

Probably this is one of the reasons Pastor Kumuyi is complaining about Christmas as people like Maheeda and her likes have turned it into something nasty.
 Crazy Maheeda Celebrates Christmas With Her Bare B00bs
See Maheeda’s exposed photo below…

See It >> HERE.

1+TWEET+1 Crazy Maheeda Celebrates Christmas With Her Bare B00bs
 And producer/director, Charles Novia thinks Maheeda and her likes are Hell candidates. Gbam!!
- See more at:

Crazy Maheeda Celebrates Christmas With Her Bare B00bs

Probably this is one of the reasons Pastor Kumuyi is complaining about Christmas as people like Maheeda and her likes have turned it into something nasty.
 Crazy Maheeda Celebrates Christmas With Her Bare B00bs
See Maheeda’s exposed photo below…

See It >> HERE.

1+TWEET+1 Crazy Maheeda Celebrates Christmas With Her Bare B00bs
 And producer/director, Charles Novia thinks Maheeda and her likes are Hell candidates. Gbam!!
- See more at:

Crazy Maheeda Celebrates Christmas With Her Bare B00bs

Probably this is one of the reasons Pastor Kumuyi is complaining about Christmas as people like Maheeda and her likes have turned it into something nasty.
 Crazy Maheeda Celebrates Christmas With Her Bare B00bs
See Maheeda’s exposed photo below…

See It >> HERE.

1+TWEET+1 Crazy Maheeda Celebrates Christmas With Her Bare B00bs
 And producer/director, Charles Novia thinks Maheeda and her likes are Hell candidates. Gbam!!
- See more at:

Crazy Maheeda Celebrates Christmas With Her Bare B00bs

Probably this is one of the reasons Pastor Kumuyi is complaining about Christmas as people like Maheeda and her likes have turned it into something nasty.
 Crazy Maheeda Celebrates Christmas With Her Bare B00bs
See Maheeda’s exposed photo below…

See It >> HERE.

1+TWEET+1 Crazy Maheeda Celebrates Christmas With Her Bare B00bs
 And producer/director, Charles Novia thinks Maheeda and her likes are Hell candidates. Gbam!!
- See more at:

Crazy Maheeda Celebrates Christmas With Her Bare B00bs

Probably this is one of the reasons Pastor Kumuyi is complaining about Christmas as people like Maheeda and her likes have turned it into something nasty.
 Crazy Maheeda Celebrates Christmas With Her Bare B00bs
See Maheeda’s exposed photo below…

See It >> HERE.

1+TWEET+1 Crazy Maheeda Celebrates Christmas With Her Bare B00bs
 And producer/director, Charles Novia thinks Maheeda and her likes are Hell candidates. Gbam!!
- See more at:

Monday, 16 December 2013

10 Most Deadliest Animal In The World

The African Bush Elephant
Brute Strength
The king of the jungle is a title that still misleadingly belongs to the elephant, not the lion. Neither of them lives in any jungle in Africa. The African elephant is the largest land animal on Earth and has zero natural predators (man doesn’t count as natural). The ones you’ve seen in zoos are simply not the same as those in the wild. In zoos, elephants know humans are no threat; in the wild, any animal that is not a herbivore is a threat, and elephants are smart enough to know which is which.
In the wild, they are docile to a point. You may stand 100 meters from one and it will pay attention but not attack. Or it may charge you from 500 meters as soon as it sees you. Of course the largest land animal is sure to be also the most powerful, and the elephant is, but it possesses an intelligence that may rival that of some primates. This is not quite so difficult to fathom given that it has an 11-pound brain.
The elephant is the grandest of the Big Five game animals of Africa, and although it is still legal to hunt them, a license to kill just one will cost about $50,000. Hunters are only permitted to kill solitary old bulls or cows that are not long from natural death. The money goes to conservation efforts. Despite their size, they disappear very easily in tall brush and their ears enable them to hear you long before you hear them. Their olfactory sense is extraordinary, enabling them to smell you from 1 mile. And because they are gargantuan, they generally do not run away or hide. Full-grown elephants have zero natural predators. Nothing dares tangle with them. They can run 25 miles an hour for 100 meters, which is faster than Usain Bolt.
They are hyper-aggressive during musth. Musth is the bull elephant’s reproductive hormones, mostly testosterone, all of which rise 60 times higher than normal. This makes the elephant want to mate with any cow it sees, and fight everything else. Musth causes the bull extreme irritation and puts him in a severely foul mood.
It is during musth that bulls have been known to charge through 2 direct hits from a .460 Weatherby Magnum (ordinarily more than sufficient to drop one in its tracks), and trample the hunter to death, flip safari jeeps and gore through chassis; 6-ton bulls have been witnessed flinging black rhinoceros 14 feet over their heads, kicking down 4-foot-thick trees, and snapping anchor chains used to hold them. They are smart enough to angle their tusks into the chain links and pop them loose if they cannot overpower the iron.

The African Lion
Speed and Strength Matched
The tiger is slightly larger than, and just as fast as, the lion, but the lion just edged out the tiger because the lion is the only cat known to science that works as a team with other lions to hunt. This enables it to bring down prey far larger than itself. Lions are possibly the smartest of cats; the members of a pride will stealthily arrange themselves around a herd of prey animals, and when the ambushers are in position, they signal to the drivers with a cough or sneeze, whereupon the prey is driven into an ambush and several are brought down, saving the lions from a drawn-out chase.
A full-grown male lion is about 6 inches taller than a tiger and weighs anywhere from 330 to 550 lbs (150-250 kgs), averaging 400. This size makes it sound as though the lion should be ungainly, but the opposite is true. He can charge 50 mph for over 100 meters. Male lions have been seen jumping 4-rail fences with cows in their mouths. They can spring 12 feet straight up into the air and leap 40-foot gorges. Their mortal enemy, the hyena, is no match for them one on one, but even when they attack in packs, a single male lion can stand his ground admirably.
Video shows a pride of lionesses being robbed of its kill by a pack of hyenas, and then killing more prey, only to be robbed again. The lionesses finally “complained” to the male in charge by grunting at him until he woke up. He saw the hyenas eating within 200 meters, walked to within 50 meters of them, then charged and killed 9 of them before the rest fled. One swipe of his forepaw cut one in half across the spine.
Lions have been known to slash the tires of safari jeeps to immobilize them and the tourists inside. To ward them off, the guides play recordings of elephants trumpeting. Hunting them is still legal, but conservation makes it expensive (as it should), and only old specimens or man-eaters are taken. The two most infamous remain the Tsavo maneless man-eaters of 1898. From March to December, they killed and ate as many as 135 railway workers in Tsavo, Kenya. They were gigantic, even for lions, measuring 9 feet, 8 inches, and 9 feet, 6 inches long, and required 8 men to carry them. Their hunter, Col. John Patterson, shot the second no less than 8 times with a .303 Lee-Enfield, which has power comparable to the .30-06, before the lion succumbed.

Sea Wasp Box Jellyfish
Most Lethally Venomous in the Sea
Everyone is always asking what animal packs the deadliest venom in the world. Here, once and for all, are the two answers. Sea life has abounded for about 3 billion years longer than life on land, and the longer nature has to evolve its animals, the nastier, deadlier, more perfect (see #4) they get. There are many species of box jellies, but Chironex fleckeri, also called the sea wasp, is by far the most notorious.
It can weigh up to 4 and half pounds (2 kgs), with a bell that can reach the size of a basketball, with 15 tentacles up to 10 feet long beneath. Its infamous venom was once thought to glow in the dark, but cannot. Instead, the venom absorbs and reflects the slightest sunlight into and out from the tentacles, giving the jelly an ethereal glow even at twilight. Luckily, this enables you to see it coming. It uses its venom to immobilize fish, and if you were to become wrapped within the tentacles long enough, it would dissolve you.
At night, they simply sit on the seafloor. During the day, it hunts for shrimp, minnows, and other small fish. Sea turtles are able to eat box jellies and do frequently. They have extremely thick skin that shields them from the stings. If you are stung only slightly by a sea wasp jelly, you will not die, but you will wish you would. The pain is described as “excruciating,” “exquisite,” “beyond belief.” Children do not cry when they are stung. They scream. Lifeguards have claimed that simply cutting off the limb that has been stung would hurt less than leaving it attached.
If you were to be wrapped up in the jelly’s tentacles, which happens quite often off the northern coast of Australia, the cnidocytes in the venom would stop your heart in 3 minutes. That is 180 seconds. This assumes you do not drown before escaping the sea, because the venom also shuts down the brain’s communication with the muscles. The sea wasp has killed 63 people since 1884, most of them off Australia. Its range extends at least into the Philippines, to Malaysia.

Inland Taipan
Most Lethally Venomous on Land
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The inland taipan must not be confused with the coastal taipan or the central taipan, all three of which are highly venomous. The inland taipan, also called the fierce snake (for its venom), the small-scaled snake, and the two-step snake, averages 6 feet long, with a maximum recorded of 8.2 feet. They are extremely shy and always try to escape any large animal’s presence. It is only by cornering one that it bites.
The median lethal dose of its venom is 30 micrograms per kilogram. It injects an average of 44 milligrams per bite, which is 44,000 micrograms. It can inject up to 110 milligrams. The snake has, however, never actually been known to kill a human. This is because its habitat is in the center of the Australian outback, where very few humans ever bother to venture, and also because you have to work very hard to make it bite. Its diet consists entirely of rodents, and it does not strike once and then wait for the prey to succumb. It bites up to 8 times to hasten the process.
The venom itself is comprised of taipoxin, named after the snake. This is one of the most powerful natural toxins ever known, and stops the brain’s communication with the muscles, causing death by asphyxia. Antivenin is 100% successful, provided that you don’t have 200 miles to travel to a hospital. A bite on the calf, injecting 44 mgs, will drop a 200 pound human within 300 meters of running or 45 minutes of resting pulse. Herpetologists have claimed that, provided it were devenomized, the snake would make an outstanding aquarium pet given its docile temperament.

The Human
Only Evil Animal
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Have you noticed that most history books divide eras among major social, political, or disastrous events and that the lion’s share of these are wars? In 200,000 years of the modern human species’ history (our personal history), the only thing we’ve been able to do consistently well is kill each other. All animals fight, but only humans wage war. We are the only species that has ever existed on Earth to have attempted the elimination of entire species. And we are always getting better at it, always pushing scientific knowledge, and almost always one of the first things for which science is put to use is the invention of new methods of murder.
We do it so well that we cannot even face ourselves when we consider it. We devise euphemisms, especially in time of war: it’s not murder – it’s combat, or “defending our freedom,” “target neutralization,” “justifiable homicide,” “soldiery,” “just following orders.”
The human is the only animal ever known to be capable of revenge, hatred, or sadism, and we are intimate with all three. We kill for every reason.
Black powder was originally invented by Chinese alchemists looking for the elixir of life, then used as a means to set off fireworks for amusement. That didn’t last long. Now it is more commonly called gunpowder.
The Wright Brothers pioneered human aviation for the purpose of enabling aerial warfare, because in their opinion this would make national invasions impossible, and would thus negate all warfare in the first place. Wishful thinking. Tesla envisioned his “death beam” for the same purpose. Einstein had no idea his Special Theory of Relativity could be used to split atoms for the purpose of killing people. When Robert Oppenheimer and Enrico Fermi explained to him what was being done at The Manhattan Project, he burst into tears.
Consider all the kindhearted, nonviolent people through the ages, Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King. What do we do to them? Hate them, harm them, kill them out of spite.
The human is an unnatural animal because of all this. It does not fit into any environment, except perhaps the urban environment. We think of ourselves as predators, usually with a sense of pride. Nevertheless, on even terms, the human would not stand half a chance in a fight to the death with most of the other entries on this list. But that only incites us to pick the fight, and we do so by the one method in which we have no equals: thinking. Given the proper preparation (typically guns), we are more than a match for any other organism on this list. And that fills us with malicious and/or “sporting” glee.

The Mosquito
Highest Death Toll
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The mosquito is possibly responsible for more deaths throughout history than any other macroscopic animal. They’re easy to kill, but typically not until they bite you. Then you smack them but the damage is done. Usually, all that happens is you itch for a little while. This is because the mosquito’s saliva contains histamines, which irritate the skin.
The reason they are extremely dangerous is because they transmit diseases infectious to humans and livestock, many of them fatal without treatment. Malaria is the most well-known, which can kill 20% of the time in severe cases, even with treatment. They also transmit West Nile Virus, lymphatic filariasis (roundworms), tularemia, dengue fever, yellow fever, and others. All of these can kill.
In addition to the lethal diseases they carry, mosquitoes can kill on their own. They are feared throughout the Australian outback (just one more reason not to go there) and the southern Sahara, where shallow deluges provide them excellent breeding in the water. When the larvae hatch, they attack in swarms of over 1 billion insects, descending on cows and camels and draining them of blood within 10 minutes.

The Shark
Perfect Killing Machine
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As mentioned in #8, nature has perfected ocean life. The shark has zero natural predators, except perhaps larger sharks. The largest is the whale shark, but it eats small fish, plankton, and krill. The largest macro predatory shark is the one Steven Spielberg made permanently infamous in “Jaws,” the Great White. In that film, the shark is summed up by Richard Dreyfuss, “All it does is swim, and eat, and make little sharks.” It can reach over 20 feet long, easily weigh 2.5 tons, and still swim 35 feet per second. Michael Phelps set the world record of 100 meters in freestyle at 47.82 seconds. This works out to about 4.7 miles per hour. The Great White can swim 25 miles per hour.
All sharks have a superlative sense of smell to make up for their bad eyesight. Any species can smell a drop of blood in an Olympic swimming pool. They can smell a bleeding swimmer from 5 miles, and with a single bite can tear off 31 lbs of flesh. In theory, sharks are always hungry, and a 20 foot specimen can bite with 4,000 pounds of force, which is more powerful than the impact of a .375 H & H Magnum rifle round.
The shark’s most incredible, virtually X-Men ability is called electroreception. They have organs in their heads called Ampullae of Lorenzini. Every time any animal moves, it generates a very slight electrical field, and sharks can actually sense this electricity. Thus a person treading water looks like lightning to a shark. A great white can detect half a billionth of a single volt. If it is within 100 meters, it can detect the voltage of your heartbeat.

Cape Buffalo
Most Unpredictable
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The cape buffalo is by far the most dangerous game animal on Earth. It is sufficiently thick-skinned to require an elephant rifle, and is the animal most responsible for the introduction of double-barreled rifles. A double-barreled rifle offers the hunter an immediate follow-up shot to finish a wounded animal, and cape buffaloes can be counted on to withstand the first shot, even if they are struck in the heart, and still charge. The .585 Nyati caliber was invented for use against this animal. Nyati is Swahili for Cape Buffalo.
You may think touring Africa’s grasslands in a safari jeep is safe, and were it not for the Cape Buffalo, you would be fairly correct. They may charge without any provocation at all, and they overturn jeeps, trucks, and vans by ramming them headfirst. A 2,000 lb male can run 40 miles an hour for more than 100 meters. Some professional hunting guides refuse to hunt them, for fear the paying hunter will miss. The cape buffalo gores and tramples to death over 200 people every year, more kills, possibly, than any other African animal.

Clostridium Botulinum
Most Toxic Animal on Earth
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One teaspoon of this bacterium, properly distributed, could kill every single human being in the United States. About 9 lbs (4 kgs) could kill every human in the world. Like the venom of #7, botulinum is a neurotoxin, stopping communication between the brain and the muscles, resulting in paralysis of the diaphragm, then asphyxia.
Botulinum is found in the soil of every continent and ecosystem on Earth, from the Sahara Desert to Antarctica. It is found in soil brought up from the ocean floor. It requires absolutely perfect conditions in order to become active and thus dangerous. You would not be able to contract the toxin by eating dirt, since your digestive juices are too acidic to allow the bacterium to grow and produce the toxin.
But the spores are extraordinarily difficult to kill, able to survive in boiling water for 10 minutes. If you were to can food without boiling it (cold canning), airborne spores may enter the oxygen-free environment of the food and grow very quickly. Upon eating the food, the toxins would be present in your body immediately, and eating only a nibble of a green bean is more than sufficient to kill you within a day. No animal is known to have an immunity to botulinum. A mere 1 nanogram per kilogram dose will kill any living organism on the planet. An elephant weighing 5,454 kgs (12,000 lbs) would die in less than 3 days after consuming 5,454 ngs of botulinum toxin. This is equal to 0.005454 milligrams.

Siafu Ants
Strength in Numbers
Siafu Ant
Let’s face it. Africa is an extremely dangerous place and anything can die there very easily. Siafu ants are also called driver ants, safari ants, and army ants. They live primarily in central and east Africa, both in jungle and on savanna. They have no eyes. They communicate and navigate by smelling pheromones, and every few years a colony of 50,000,000 will decide to pick up and move in search of more fruitful hunting grounds.
When they move, they form columns on the ground, with the smaller worker ants inside a tunnel formed by the larger soldier or guard ants. The ants average about an inch long, with the winged males the largest ant known at over 2 inches. They have venom and can sting with their abdomens, but it is insufficient to kill large animals. Instead, they rely on their bite. They have mandibles strong enough to cut through rhinoceros hide. And when the colony relocates, every animal in the entire area of many square miles, including the honey badger, leaves and may not return for weeks.
If one ant attacked you, you could stomp it or pick it off you. But ants don’t play fair. If you come within 25 meters of a colony on the move in column formation, they will smell you and come running to defend themselves. The bite is severely painful and once blood is drawn, your only defense is to run for your life. Attacking the ants is useless. A flamethrower might work but the ants do not know the use of fear and will either run across fiery ground to get at you, or wait until the fire dies away.
They do not run fast and are easy to avoid, provided you are able to get away. They are able to overpower any known animal, having brought down sick or injured elephants that could not escape. They have killed many people over the centuries, always infants or the injured, those who are unable to run. Once they are upon you, there is no easy way to get them off. Other ants will let go if you submerge in water. Siafu ants will hold their breath and bite for 3 minutes under water. A colony can strip an elephant to the bone in a month, and during that time nothing else except bacteria can approach the carcass. Vultures land on it and immediately fly away kicking ants off their feet.
They are used as natural stitches by the indigenous peoples. A single ant is picked up and allowed to bite on either side of a wound, and then the body is pinched off, leaving the head with jaws locked shut. They have venomous stings but hardly ever use them. They kill prey such as grasshoppers and small rodents simply by biting them to death. What they do is overwhelm any animal they can find and bite until the animal is incapacitated by agony. Smaller animals like insects are cut to pieces. The ants will enter the mouth of a larger animal and invade the lungs, biting the whole way, causing death by asphyxia.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

LG G2 - The Good and The Bad

LG G2 Review: The Good

The G2's biggest selling point is the power it supplies. The Snapdragon 800 chipset provides more grunt that most laptops, and I can pretty much assure you now that it will handle anything you can throw at it.
The sharp and bright IPS screen is another highlight, offering image quality that is as good - if not better - than any other Android device on the market right now.
Battery life is also amazing for a phone with such a powerful processor. The 3,000mAh power cell has enough stamina to last well over a day even with robust usage. Manage your use effectively, however, and you can make it last much longer.

LG G2 Review: The Bad

Despite LG's assurances that the unique placement of the G2's physical controls should lead to more comfortable everyday use, I imagine that many users will struggle with them, at least in the beginning.
Although Google has long since removed MicroSD card slots from its Nexus line of devices, Samsung continues to include such expandability in its phones, and by removing the option on the G2, LG has disadvantaged itself slightly.
The final issue is with timing. LG is also making the Nexus 5, and that will surely attract the lion's share of interest when it launches in the next few weeks. The G2 is therefore in danger of getting ignored, as it ships with Android 4.2.2, and not Android 4.4, the latest version of Google's OS, which will make its debut aboard the Nexus 5 (so the story goes) later this month.

Check Bauchi University 2013/2014 Admission List Here

This is to inform members of the public that the Federal polytechnic Bauchi has released her 1st batch Admission list of successful candidates who have been offered provisional admission into Diploma programme of the institution for the 2013/2014 session.

Candidates who are hitherto awaiting their name can now check their admission status on the school website.

Apply Here For Uniport Pre-degree, Education/Humanities Programme

The application has begun for the Uniport Pre-degree Programme for 2013/2014 for admission into the 2014/2015 academic session.

*Application online for Certificate programmes in Education and Humanities will close on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8TH, 2014.
*Screening exercise holds on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15TH, 2014.
i. Department of Educational Management:
Education Social Sciences: (For candidates offering Economics, Accounting, Political Science and Geography Education); Apply Here For Uniport Pre-degree, Education/Humanities Programme
ii. Department of Educational Foundations:
Education Arts – (For candidates offering English, Religious & Cultural Studies, History & Diplomatic Studies, Theatre Arts, Fine Arts & Design and French Education).
iii. Department of Curriculum Studies & Educational Technology:
Education Science – (For candidates offering Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics & Computer Science Education).
Department of Adult & Non-Formal Education
Department of Educational Psychology, Guidance & Counselling
Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education.
Department of Fine Arts & Design
Department of Foreign Languages (For candidates offering French).
Department of Linguistics & Communication Studies (For candidates offering Communication Studies).
Department of Religious & Cultural Studies.
Department of Theatre Arts.
Department of Music.
Application for the various Programmes is online. Log on to and click on application procedure in School of Basic Studies or Institute of Education or Faculty of Humanities; then follow the instructions.
Application Forms can be obtained online on payment of non-refundable fee of Ten Thousand Naira (N10, 000.00) excluding bank charges at designated Banks nationwide. Apply Here For Uniport Pre-degree, Education/Humanities Programme
The names on candidates O’level certificates and UTME Results must be the same as what is filled online.
*Application online for Certificate programmes in Education and Humanities will close on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8TH, 2014.
*Screening exercise holds on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15TH, 2014.
The Pre-degree Programmes are open to all applicants with a minimum of five (5) credits in not more than two sittings in English language and other relevant subjects (in GCE, SSCE, NECO, NABTEB & TC II).
NOTE WELL: All candidates wishing to transit to the Degree Programme, in addition to the required 5 credits, must
i Pass the prescribed pre-degree examinations
ii. Have the appropriate Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) subject combination and
ii. Must have the National Minimum Score in the 2014/2015 UTME
Materials Needed for the Screening Exercise
Candidates are required to come with the following and be at the Venue by 8.00am
A clear copy of photocard printed online
Biro, HB Pencil, eraser
Non-Programmable Calculator
Faculty of Humanities:
Phone: 08134474272 (calls within working hours)
Institute of Education, Faculty of Education:
Phone: 08033387462 (calls within working hours,8 to 4 pm)
Mrs. Matilda Nnodim

Friday, 13 December 2013

Police Murdered Man For Bribe

Some of his colleagues went to buy diesel for the office generator.(Lunberg Services Ltd behind Coca Cola in Port harcourt Trans Amadi). and as they were bringing the diesel jerry cans into the office premises,Some JTF police men trailed them from the filling station t into the office premises.

JTF policemen began harassing the guys who bought the diesel in Jerry cans. Donbraye Akangbou one of the high ranking employees on site came out of the office to mediate on the issue at hand.

After he tried to explain to the officers for 30mins without luck... One of the police officers got impatient because he thought they were not going to grease his palms with money.
He wanted to use the head of his gun to hit one of the employees, instead the gun went off and short Donbraye in the stomach at close range... All his intestines came out...

They rushed him to BMH A & E, and as usual the hospital delayed to treat him because it was a gun shot wound and they needed a police report... Donbraye died an hour later.

He got married in June 2013 and his wife is three months pregnant.

Panel Of Judges Convicts PDP Chieftain Bode George For Corruption

The news media report that the panel of judges at the Supreme Court of Nigeria today quashed the conviction handed Bode George a Peoples Democratic Party chieftain earlier jailed for corruption by a Lagos High Court.

 The court discharged and acquitted Mr. George claiming that prosecutors at the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) had no evidence of Mr. George's intention to commit fraud at the Nigeria Port Authority (NPA) where as chairman of the NPA board he was caught presiding over a contract bazaar the bled the nation of Nigeria.

 A panel of judges headed by a controversial judge, John Afolabi Fabiyi JSC, ruled that the charges of "contract splitting" upon which Mr. George was convicted is unknown to law.

 The pattern of today's quashing of George's conviction was similar to that of a Lagos Court of Appeal ruling which similarly quashed a death sentence conviction of Major Hamza Al Mustapha's for the murder of Alhaja Kudirat Abiola in 1994. In Lagos, a panel of Court of Appeal cleared former Chief Security Officer of late maximum dictator, Sanni Abacha Mustapha of murder charges under controversial circumstances. Al Mustapha later wrote a letter thanking President Jonathan for arranging his judicial pardon.

 Al Mustapha case was handled by the same lawyer, former president of the Nigeria Bar Association , Joseph B Daudu was Al Mustapha's lawyer in the Lagos case. Mr. Daudu, a senior advocate of Nigeria, also played a lead role in securing Mr. George's freedom today.

 Since leaving prison a few years ago, Mr. George had been closely linked to President Jonathan, even sometimes openly bragging that his conviction will be upturned.

Post-UTME Screening For ABU 2013/2014 Holds 18TH – 21ST Dec, 2013

The information in this post goes to all those who applied for admission into Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria for the 2013/2014 Academic Session, and who made the institution their FIRST CHOICE, that they would be screened through Computer-Based Testing (CBT), starting from Wednesday 18th to Saturday 21st December, 2013.
Candidates, parents, guardians, and the general public are to note that the ability to read and click/use the mouse is the only requirement for the test.

All candidates with UTME Score of 180 and above are eligible to attend the screening exercise. In addition, candidates must have the prescribed UTME subject combinations required for the courses applied for as contained in the JAMB Brochure.
N.B: Candidates with wrong UTME subject combinations will not be allowed to attend the screening exercise.

Registration for the screening exercise will commence on Tuesday 2nd July, 2013 will close on Friday 20th December, 2013. Applicants are required to pay a sum of N2,000.00 screening fee. This is exclusive of bank administrative charge of N400.00. Candidates are advised to obtain an e-transact PIN from any commercial bank and thereafter load the PIN Number for the online registration by clicking on the home page of Ahmadu Bello University Website
and to print out their respective Schedule-Slip containing screening information.
A printout of the candidate’s schedule slip with the Passport Photograph and a printout of the UTME result MUST be submitted on the day of the screening. Candidates MUST keep photocopies of all submissions for their own records.
Candidates should please note that:-
GSM Phones are not allowed during the Post-UTME Screening Exercise.
Parents, Guardians and uninvited law enforcement agencies will not be allowed into the venue during the Post-UTME Screening Exercise.

Candidates should report at the Multipurpose Hall, Faculty of Social Sciences, Main Campus, Ahmadu Bello University, Samaru, Zaria at 7:00am daily.


Wednesday 18th December, 2013.
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Environmental Design
Faculty of Education

Thursday 19th December, 2013
Faculty of Administration
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Arts

Friday 20th December, 2013
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Social Sciences

Saturday 21st December, 2013
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Faculty of Agriculture.

Any candidate who fails to appear for the screening exercise on the dates indicated above will not be considered for admission into the University during the 2013/2014 academic session.

How To Fnance Yourself as a Nigerian Student In School

Many Nigerian students wonder what they can do to augment the income their parents/guardians hand them every semester as they rush to school

Scholarship/Bursary Awards
If you’re a first year student in any Nigerian University it’s always wise to draw up a list of scholarship awards available to Nigerian Students just when you gained admission into whatever institution of higher learning you’re at the reason being that from year 2 many Nigerian students are no longer eligible for some of these scholarship awards. The amount awarded as bursary or scholarships could range from N50,000 to N150,000 per annum depending on who is giving the award.

Freelance Article Writing
If you can write well especially articles then during your spare time you could make some cool money for yourself writing for freelance article websites such as odesk and elance. Visit their websites, register, create a portfolio of articles, a professional profile and start writing your way to some cool cash. The money is usually paid via western Union.

Are the likes of Linda Ikeji, Omojuwa Japheth, Jide Ogunsanya and Laila Ikeji not enough reason to take to blogging? These people are Nigerians living in Nigeria and making good income from a part time activity as blogging. You actually need less than 4 hours a day to do serious blogging but warning though it’s not an easy

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Kenny West Lanches Grammy Nomination Rant

The rapper interrupted his gig in Phoenix,Arizon to share his frustration with the crowd, suggesting the snub was racially charged.

Kanye can be seen in a video posted on youtube ranting: "I'm 36 years old and I have 21 Grammys. That's the most Grammys of any 36-year-old. Out of all of those 21 Grammys, I've never won a Grammy against a white artist. So when the Grammy nominations come out, and Yeezus is the top one or two album on every single list, but only gets two nominations from the Grammys, what are they trying to say? Do they think that I wouldn't notice?
"Do they think that, some way, that I don't have the power to completely diminish all of their credibility at this moment?
"When you see me talking about what people are doing when I say 'marginalised', when I say 'boxed in', when I say 'hold back' , when I say 'people are afraid of the truth', that's one example right there in front of you."
Kanye was nominated for best rap album and best rap song for New Slaves.
But he said: "People come to me and congratulate me on those two nominations. F*** those nominations! I would rather have no nominations. It's only patronising. Don't patronise me."
He added:"I'm happy for my brothers that did get nominations. I just had to get a couple things off my chest."
During a show in Atlantic City last year Kanye complained he only gets nominated "all in the black categories".
The nation’s attention has been drawn to an imminent strike by Nigeria Doctors following Federal Government’s inability to meet the demands tabled by the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA).
The NMA in a statement by its President, Osahon Enabulele, in Abuja on Wednesday called the attention of the Federal Government to the December 14 deadline it earlier issued to the government.
According Osahon, the Minister of Health should be blamed for not acting promptly on the NMA’s demands that were made five months ago.
“For over five months now, the NMA, which is the umbrella body for all medical and dental practitioners in Nigeria, has recurrently engaged the Federal Government through the Federal Ministry of Health, Head of the Civil Service of the Federation and the Secretary to the Government of the Federation on issues bordering on some health sector challenges, workplace conditions and the conditions of service of doctors,” he said.
“On September 2, 2013, the NMA issued a 21-day ultimatum to the Federal Government of Nigeria to address the issues tabled by NMA.
“However, based on the understanding reached following the intervention of the Minister of Labour and Productivity, Chief Emeka Wogu, the NMA decided to extend her ultimatum by four weeks at her emergency National Executive Council (NEC) meeting held in Abuja on September 22, 2013.
“Following the expiration of the additional four weeks grace granted to the Federal Government, the NMA again magnanimously extended twice the ultimatum on account of the government’s constitution of a Presidential Committee and promised to speedily resolve the issues contained in the requests of the NMA.
“Sadly, since the report of the Presidential Committee was submitted to the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, only the re-constitution and inauguration of the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria has been achieved.
“The attention of the government to other issues bordering on workplace conditions and injustice meted out to doctors in their conditions of service and funding/infrastructural and equipment upgrade of the health sector have not received any significant attention,” the NMA chieftain said.
The president said, ” to this end, it may be difficult to guarantee further extension of the grace period and consequently, industrial harmony in the health sector, especially as the December 14, 2013 deadline issued to the Federal Government to concretely resolve the demands of the NMA draws closer.”
Osahon said efforts by the NMA to engage the leadership of the Federal Ministry of Health has collapsed “following the unserious approach and attitude of the leadership of the Federal Ministry of Health who seem to be less bordered about the potential crisis which may erupt in Nigeria’s health sector from Saturday, December 14, 2013”.
He, therefore, alerted the nation about the imminent collapse of health services across the entire country, given the apparent levity and lack of concrete commitment so far exhibited by the government.
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Justin Bieber Gets Advice From Desmond

The former teen idol, who had a squeaky-clean image, reckons that the Beauty And The Beat singer is rebelling in an attempt to prove that he isn't a kid.

"I'm just a normal guy, and Donny And Marie left me with such a wacky image. Since Puppy Love and Go Away Little Girl were such big records, I went through a period when I hated it," he told Closer Weekly.
"Justin Bieber is feeling the pains of this right now. Everyone thinks he's still the kid who sang Baby, but he's an adult, and he's rebelling to show people he's an adult."
Justin's recent troubles include being accused of spraying graffiti and mistreating the Argentinian flag.
Donny, who is celebrating his 51st year in the industry, advised that Justin should just "let it happen".
"You can't change history. When you hit it so big at such a young age, time freezes in people's minds," he continued.
"You just have to live with the consequences until enough time goes by - 20 or 30 years, in my case. You get to a time when you end up embracing it."
The nation’s attention has been drawn to an imminent strike by Nigeria Doctors following Federal Government’s inability to meet the demands tabled by the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA).
The NMA in a statement by its President, Osahon Enabulele, in Abuja on Wednesday called the attention of the Federal Government to the December 14 deadline it earlier issued to the government.
According Osahon, the Minister of Health should be blamed for not acting promptly on the NMA’s demands that were made five months ago.
“For over five months now, the NMA, which is the umbrella body for all medical and dental practitioners in Nigeria, has recurrently engaged the Federal Government through the Federal Ministry of Health, Head of the Civil Service of the Federation and the Secretary to the Government of the Federation on issues bordering on some health sector challenges, workplace conditions and the conditions of service of doctors,” he said.
“On September 2, 2013, the NMA issued a 21-day ultimatum to the Federal Government of Nigeria to address the issues tabled by NMA.
“However, based on the understanding reached following the intervention of the Minister of Labour and Productivity, Chief Emeka Wogu, the NMA decided to extend her ultimatum by four weeks at her emergency National Executive Council (NEC) meeting held in Abuja on September 22, 2013.
“Following the expiration of the additional four weeks grace granted to the Federal Government, the NMA again magnanimously extended twice the ultimatum on account of the government’s constitution of a Presidential Committee and promised to speedily resolve the issues contained in the requests of the NMA.
“Sadly, since the report of the Presidential Committee was submitted to the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, only the re-constitution and inauguration of the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria has been achieved.
“The attention of the government to other issues bordering on workplace conditions and injustice meted out to doctors in their conditions of service and funding/infrastructural and equipment upgrade of the health sector have not received any significant attention,” the NMA chieftain said.
The president said, ” to this end, it may be difficult to guarantee further extension of the grace period and consequently, industrial harmony in the health sector, especially as the December 14, 2013 deadline issued to the Federal Government to concretely resolve the demands of the NMA draws closer.”
Osahon said efforts by the NMA to engage the leadership of the Federal Ministry of Health has collapsed “following the unserious approach and attitude of the leadership of the Federal Ministry of Health who seem to be less bordered about the potential crisis which may erupt in Nigeria’s health sector from Saturday, December 14, 2013”.
He, therefore, alerted the nation about the imminent collapse of health services across the entire country, given the apparent levity and lack of concrete commitment so far exhibited by the government.
- See more at:

Demi Lovato recently confessed she had to conquer a drugs habit

American X Factor judge Demi spoke out about her addiction for the first time this week, revealing to Access Hollywood: "I couldn't go without 30 minutes to an hour without cocaine and I would bring it on airplanes. I would smuggle it basically and just wait until everyone in first class would go to sleep and I would do it right there. I'd sneak to the bathroom and I'd do it."
Demi Lovato recently confessed she had to conquer a drugs habit
Fellow former Disney star Selena tweeted a picture of her and Demi together cuddled up in front of some Christmas lights in hats and scarves.
Demi replied: "I looooooooooovvvvvveeee you."
According to Entertainment Wise, Selena joined Demi as she visited a rehab centre to give an inspirational speech about her own recovery.
Demi entered rehab in 2010, and at the time it was reported she was battling bulimia and bipolar disorder. She has since opened up about her personal demons but had not admitted taking drugs until this week.
She tweeted: "I've been through hell and back, but my story isn't over yet... I can't wait to talk about the people who have never taken ANY credit for being a huge part of saving my life, and why I'm alive today..."

2013 Strike Ends Next Week

The Academic Staff Union of Universities will suspend the five months strike next week after the union signed a Memorandum of Understanding to that effect with Federal Government on Wednesday.
ASUU President, Dr. Nasir Fagge, who signed the agreement on behalf of the union, confirmed to journalists that the strike would be called off next week following agreement signed by both parties.
Fagge said the MoU contained all the demands presented by the union.

We, the team wish all students from various varsities all over the world a peaceful and safety journey to their various institutions.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Vodacom Introduces SaaS In Nigeria

VODACOM Business Nigeria has launched the Software as a Solution (SaaS) offering into the country's competitive information technology market.
The company said that SaaS was an enterprise-class IT solution for all sizes of businesses in Nigeria that can enable them lower the costs of running and maintaining office communication software, so they could focus on growing their businesses.

According to the company, Vodacom SaaS is an effective hosted information management solution that is scalable, easy to deploy and manage.
Officials added that with the offering, businesses in the country could now collaborate in real-time with up-to-date solutions spanning across the full range of any business function.
Speaking at the new product launch in Lagos, Abu Etu, Vodacom Nigeria's Portfolio Manager, said that Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in Nigeria can now benefit from improved efficiency and productivity through collaboration, remotely, on-site or on-the-move while enjoying significant cost savings.
“We will provide and manage the software, renew licenses, do the upgrades and ensure full security of our customer's data. Customers simply lease it from us at an affordable monthly or yearly fee as it suits them,” he said.
He explained that the solution also allows for better resource allocation as businesses no longer need dedicated resources for network and software management.
“Everything is backed by excellent service from Vodacom Business Nigeria,” Etu added.
He added that with SaaS solution, Vodacom had further established itself as a total communication service provider and one of the most dependable providers of managed hosted services in enterprise sector.
Etu also emphasized the fact that collaboration and communication are vital components of the success of any business.